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PPC Digital Marketing Agency

Accelerate your business growth with our proven PPC management services.

Google Ads & Bing Advertising

We're not just ad makers, we're planners who unlock the full potential of every search campaign we handle.

Paid Social Ads

Our team craft high-impact social ad campaigns with compelling slideshows, videos, and dynamic carousel ads


Eye-catching visuals can leave a lasting impact, attracting potential buyers and propelling your brand to the top of their thoughts.


Not everyone is ready to change on their first visit. That's where remarketing comes in.

Dedicated PPC Digital Marketing Agency Ontario

Online advertising stands out as a powerful tool for businesses of all kinds.  Encompassing a variety of ways, from Pay-Per-Click (PPC) to Paid Social media advertising, online advertising gives a strategic approach to reaching your target crowd and achieving your business goals.

Paid search campaigns, run on platforms like Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising, put your brand directly in front of potential customers who are actively looking for goods or services related to your offerings.

This targeted method allows you to maximize your reach and create valuable leads. Social media advertising, on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, leverages the power of social connection to build brand recognition and drive participation.

The effect of online advertising, especially through non-branded keywords and search queries, can be important. Whether your main aim is to increase brand recognition, create qualified leads, or boost e-commerce sales, online advertising offers a fast and effective way to achieve those goals.

We can help you understand the world of online advertising and get your PPC campaigns up and running quickly, ensuring you reach the right audience and achieve measurable results

Enjoy unlimited management solution

Frank Odiachi Client

Working with Webtagon Digital Marking Agency has been a game changer for my business. They generate leads from Google Ads.

Asked Questions

PPC, or pay-per-click advertising, is a digital marketing technique where businesses pay for every ‘click’ on one of their ads. A PPC ad is put on a site with high traffic, usually a search engine results page (SERP), and then each click through to the advertiser’s web page is paid for.

A pay-per-click (PPC) strategy can be an extremely successful way to increase sales by targeting new customers using keywords.

In PPC advertising, you bid on specific phrases or keywords that are important to your target audience. When a new customer looks for a keyword or phrase that fits your bid, your ad is presented in the SERP. You then pay a small fee, your ad spend, for their clicks to be led to your landing page.

This is where the magic happens: your new customer already has a high desire to buy – they were looking for it already! You simply let your landing pages do the work and turn that click into a conversion.c

Yes. PPC is not a quick fix to your sales problems, it’s part of a long-term digital advertising plan. Like any form of business, it’s complicated. The best results often come from working with a skilled PPC marketing firm like ours.

A PPC agency like ours brings experience to your business in building and managing campaigns on platforms like Google Ads, Bing Ads, and social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn. By choosing Webtagon as your PPC agency, you can leverage our knowledge and experience to optimise campaigns and achieve your advertising goals faster, such as increasing traffic, generating leads, and boosting sales.

PPC advertising is usually used on search engines like Google and Bing, whereas paid social media advertising is used on social sites such as Facebook, X, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

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