What Is SEO And Why Is It Important

What Is SEO And Why Is It Important

Many times, as writers or consumers of information, we hear people mention the term Search Engine Optimization which is often shortened as SEO, and this bears explaining. 

So what is SEO and why is it important? SEO is that tool or system that makes your page visible in search results, which amounts to more clicks. 

It is a deliberate act of improving the visibility of what you have published online to search engines like Google and Microsoft Bing. 

On its own SEO drives traffic organically from searches to your site or page. 

SEO ultimately helps attract more visitors to your website, customers, and consumers of your information. 

SEO is often associated with terms like on-page SEO, off-page SEO and additional terms like backlinks.

What is a Backlink?

If you are conversant with SEO optimizations, you will most likely hear the word “backlink” used to term links that are added to posts deliberately. 

These are links gotten from another website that are added to another website for the sole purpose of redirecting traffic in the form of site visitors, readers, customers or other writers who are in search of knowledge or other information on the internet. 

Backlinks are crucial to Google because they signal the credibility and expertise of a particular website on a particular subject matter. 

With this, Google becomes aware that the particular site whose link is being taken to another site has credible and reliable information suitable for the teeming public searching its engine and thus projects that website further. 

Backlinks act as votes from one website to Google for another website. The higher the votes, the higher the chance of ranking – pushing the website further upward in the search engine. To rank and have quality visibility on search engines, 

In SEO optimization, writers have two options to make their pages or websites visible. 

Most writers prefer the ON-PAGE SEO, others prefer the OFF-PAGE SEO and others will go with both to be on the safe side and increase their chances of speedy visibility on search engines. 

What is On-page and Off-page SEO?

The major difference between On-page and Off-page SEO is the location of the optimisation. On-page SEO deals with improvement of rankings through web page optimization and tools. 

Off-page SEO handles the optimization processes done outside the web page that helps to boost rankings and improve website visibility. 

Off-page SEO are majorly obtained through back links from other websites; they help redirect traffic from other websites to your website or page. 

On-page SEO only focuses on optimisations within your reach as a writer. It has, and plays a little role in increasing the domain authority of your website. Off-page SEO plays a major role with domain authority increment. 

One common concern about writers and blog owners is on the validity and uniqueness of their content. This has led Google to term some terms as Duplicate contents. 

What is Considered Duplicate contents?

Duplicate content, appearing in various places online, confuses search engines. When Google stumbles upon duplicate content, it struggles to pick the most suitable version for search results. 

Google flags duplicate content when it spots the following: 

a) Having the same content in multiple spots on your website, or copying content from elsewhere. 

b) Content that’s very similar, even if rephrased a bit, can also be flagged. 

This includes product descriptions that are almost identical across multiple pages, or articles on similar topics with minor changes. 

c) Short, low-value content, especially if copied from other sources, might also be considered duplicate by Google.

Duplicate content is bad for SEO ranking. Duplicate content probes to Google that your page or website does not have valuable information and content and may lead to reducing your site ranking in the search engine.

In order to avoid duplicate content in your website, create fresh and high quality content. Merge pages or sites with similar contents into one to avoid duplicity. 

Place more emphasis on creating new contents that are informative to users and readers.

What keywords do websites rank for?

Having known about SEO, it is time to know what keywords make sites rank and have high visibility. 

Keywords provide the bedrock for SEO tools to work with and help search engines to match search queries with the information provided. 

Writers and bloggers spend more time fine-tuning their keywords through keyword research to have high visibility for their websites when they write. For a competitive Google ranking, a good keyword strategy is very crucial. 

These keywords are the keys that unlock your website’s potential, attracting users searching for specific information. The higher your website ranks for relevant keywords, the more traffic you’ll see.

Search engines act as maps, and users wield keywords like compasses. When users search for something, relevant websites with well-placed keywords appear in the search results, guiding users to your digital treasure.

So, how do you find the keywords your website already ranks for?

Unlike a treasure map, Google doesn’t provide a complete list. But fear not, there are ways to unearth this valuable information:

1. SEO Tools: 

These digital detectives analyze your website and reveal keywords you rank for, along with their search volume and ranking position.

2. Search Console: 

This free Google tool acts as a treasure chest of insights about your website’s search performance. It shows you the keywords users employ to find your site and your ranking for those keywords.

3. Website Analytics: 

By examining the search queries that led users to your website, you can gain clues about the keywords driving your traffic.

Why is knowing your ranking keywords like finding the ultimate treasure?

Understanding which keywords power your website’s ranking is the gold standard of SEO. It empowers you to:

Unearth your strengths and weaknesses: Identify the keywords where you shine and the ones that a polish.

Craft a content compass: Focus on high-volume, relevant keywords to attract targeted visitors.

Stay on the path to success: Monitor your ranking keywords to adapt to evolving search trends and user behaviour.

What is GMB in SEO?

If you own a brick-and-mortar business, then GMB, which stands for Google My Business, is your golden ticket to local SEO success.  

This free tool from Google empowers you to control how your business appears across Google Search and Google Maps, making it a game-changer for local online visibility.

How GMB Propels You to Local SEO Victory:

1. Local Search Supernova: 

A GMB listing that’s optimized effectively can skyrocket your ranking in local searches.  

When potential customers in your area search for businesses like yours, your GMB profile will be prominently displayed in the coveted map pack and local search results, putting your business right in front of their eyes.

2. Credibility Champion: 

A comprehensive and informative GMB profile instills confidence in potential customers.  

By providing them with details like your precise address, operating hours, genuine customer reviews, and high-quality images, you solidify your legitimacy and increase the likelihood of people clicking on your profile.

3. Customer Engagement Champion: 

GMB fosters direct interaction with potential customers.  They can effortlessly access your contact information, and website link, and even leave reviews directly through your GMB profile. 

This two-way communication builds trust and encourages future visits.

The goal of SEO is to boost your website’s visibility in search engine results, particularly on Google.  

This is achieved by figuring out what people are looking for online and crafting valuable content that aligns with those searches.

By doing this, you can drive more traffic to your site, which can translate to more sales, better brand recognition, or simply reaching a larger audience.  

In essence, SEO is a valuable strategy for anyone who wants their website to thrive. 

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